Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm irritable- VERY irritable. I'm pretty sure the combination of being sore and achey all of the time, not sleeping well, and dealing with grouchy people is getting to me. I have now become the cranky pregnant woman. I really am trying to keep my composure and not blow up on anybody but it takes all that I've got in me not to sometimes. I'm just sorry for the poor soul that it happens to if/when it happens.

...Like the ToysRUs people I almost went off on today when returning my beautiful stroller. If you don't already know, when folded down for transporting it wouldnt fit in my trunk. The front tire was too large and didnt swivel so I couldnt close the trunk and when I put it in the back seat it took up the entire back-- it would sit on the carseat base. I'm not going in to why the ToysRUs employees made me mad but let's just say I won't be going back to that location again unless it's an emergency. The ones in Tulsa are so much more friendly and knowledgeable. I sadly knew more about their procedures and products than they did. Oh well.. 

RIP my beautiful stroller.. (don't judge me on how messy Oliver's stuff is right now, I'm trying to find room for everything! -which is on my to do list for tomorrow..)

In other news, I've been trying to keep things semi-orderly around the house and life in general but it's causing me to hurt more than normal. I'm thinking it's just my body preparing for this baby but either way it hurts. I'm starting to get more cramp-type feelings but they feel more like Oliver is just out of space and having problems moving more than contractions. I have been doing more walking than normal.. not much but when I go window shopping/mini-shopping at the mall or go get groceries or something that requires me to walk any measurable distance I get really achey. I guess we will see at my appointment on Tuesday what the deal is. From everything I have read and been told when it's a contraction, I will know it. Sadly my pain tolerance is quite a bit higher than most so I'm not sure that it will be THAT obvious to me. For instance, I never have had period cramps that keep me in bed and double over. At most I will just take a couple Aleve or Midol and be good to go. I guess I just focus it out.. Hopefully this isnt the case with contractions and I will know when they're starting up and be able to have ample time to get to the hospital.

My Mom is in Kansas for the night and tomorrow to go to the OSU game and so I'm home all alone-SAD! But that means I'm doggy sitting and they're being cuddle monsters. :) I attempted to get a picture of them and when Oscar looked cute the girls weren't looking so I settled for the one with the girls looking and Oscar being a goober with crazy eyes.
Sophie, Oscar, and Lexie.
So, Jeff was invited to a Fijian ceremony earlier as a way to thank the US soldiers for helping them. He was so excited and was just so excited that he got to hang out with these guys and how cool they were. They even offered them a special tea/drink that was ground up root and tasted terrible but Jeff said it made his tongue go numb- HA! The Fiji guys gave them several things, one was a traditional dress... I just want to say I'm glad my hubby can even look good in a skirt (but I'd rather him wear pants/shorts.) He got a long weekend this weekend Thursday-Saturday because of some holiday they celebrate over there that I forgot. I think he was pretty stoked about that but even more so next weekend he will finally be free to go vacation and explore on the weekends and have a beer! He is one of the few that will get to do this- the others in his unit will have to wait another week or 10 days or something because they came over later. I'm sure he will rub it in Josh's face that he gets beer HA. Ok, enough.. enjoy the picture of the guys!
a Fiji guy, Calvert, Barnett, Croft, the hubby, and Hester.
Ok, well I'm done posting, sorry that I was so scatter-brained and unorganized. I'm making a mental to do list for tomorrow and contemplating doing some of it now while I have the energy and it's getting me sidetracked. Plus I'm staring at Oliver's carseat and super soft blanket sitting by his crib and trying to imagine what this little guy is going to look like.. AH! Ok, I'm done. Goodnight!

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