Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pregnant: Week 38

Doctor Appt Info
Cervix is still high but strangely enough I'm starting to dilate. Nothing major yet but she went ahead and did a membrane sweep to hopefully get things started up. Now I know most of you haven't had babies before and you're not doctors so here's what a membrane sweep is:

"Membrane sweep, also known as membrane stripping, or "stretch and sweep" in Australia and the UK - during an internal examination, the midwife moves her finger around the cervix to stimulate and/or separate the membranes (the "bag of water") around the baby from the cervix. This causes a release of prostaglandins which can help to kick-start labor. A membrane sweep increases the likelihood that labor will start within 48 hours."

Now don't get your hopes up. She's already expecting me to be back next Tuesday at my regular check up and not expecting this to actually start my labor. It is in hopes that the cervix will move and get things moving slightly quicker. Either way, no baby yet. :)

Baby Facts
Your baby's intestines have accumulated a considerable amount of meconium (the code name for black, tar-like baby poop), which is usually eliminated shortly after birth and gives you your first experience with the 100-wipe diaper change. Here's what else is up: Your baby might just scratch himself in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Baby's lungs continue to mature and his brain and nerve function are working better every day. The latter two will continue to mature until Junior is a teenager, at which point she'll know it all (or at least she'll think she does).

Life Happens
This week has flown by. I'm guessing with the combination of the pregnancy coming to an end and the holidays getting so close that I don't just count the days on the calendar anymore. I'm pretty sure I have the majority of things ready for the little man. Today I went and got my oil changed so the car is finished now -they were supposed to when I got my alignment and brake job recently but I guess they managed to forget to. I also have his gear all ready for the most part. I'm sure there will be things that I realize I need once he is here but that will hopefully give me a reason to get out of the house. Now it's just time to wait for Oliver to make his appearance and to wait to find out if Jeff will be able to come home for the holidays and to meet Oliver.

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