Monday, October 25, 2010

Pregnant: Week 34

Well, it's a day early to be posting but I've got a little extra free time on my hands so I figured I would post the weekly blog to update everyone.

Doctor Appt Info
No doctor appointment this week. I think I start the weekly appointments next week? I can't remember! (that is Pregnancy Brain at it's best!!)

Baby Facts
Oliver is now approximately measuring 17.5 inches long and weighing 4.5 pounds... according to the website but we all know by now that he's actually measuring slightly longer and about 2 pounds heavier (...I'm still in shock that he's so big already but I'm still not huge. That's a tight little ball you're in, little big man!!) I'm still taking suggestions as to a nickname for Oliver other than Ollie. If he was a little girl I was dead set on Peanut or something cutesy but you just can't do that with a little guy.. suggestions for a nickname/petname???

Your baby kind of looks like she's coated in a layer of cream cheese these days. The thick, white substance that protects her skin from pruning in the amniotic fluid is called vernix. When she's born you'll probably see some vernix lingering in her "hard-to-reach" places like under his arms, behind his ears, etc.. The soft fur, lanugo, that covered your baby's body for much of her stay in the womb is now almost completely gone. Your baby begins to develop her own immune system, instead of relying solely on antibodies received through the placenta. This will come in handy when some grubby relative manhandles the baby without washing his hands first.

Life Happens
I haven't been sleeping very well lately which is really odd for me because usually I sleep like a baby and hardly even notice when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (TMI, sorry) but luckily last night I finally got to sleep around 10pm after laying in bed trying for an hour and then I woke up this morning at around 6am when my mom was getting ready for work.

After I finally convinced myself to get out of bed I decided to go get groceries. They weren't kidding about the hormones making you irritable!!! The lady checking me out took 20 minutes to check out the people in front of me. I thought it was over exajurating and tried to calm myself down but she really did take that long and the lady ended up with 5 bags of groceries.. seriously?! I wanted to scream "there is a pregnant lady that needs to pee back here!! let's move it along people!!" Some people really don't need to be working at a fast paced job like ....WalMart! (ha)

Anyway so then I get home and get everything unloaded and still had quite a bit of energy so I decided to go ahead and install Oliver's carseat in my car. Well, I'm leaving the carseat base installed but the carseat is staying happily planted beside his crib until we rush off to the hospital sometime in the next few weeks. BUT I had to obviously use the carseat attached to the base so I could move the seat around and make sure it was firmly installed. :) While installing the carseat I realized just how nasty my back seat is from the kids (the ones I'm a nanny for). I'm guessing it's from their sports gear but who knows! Anyway.. here is the picture of his carseat installed with my nasty, dirty backseat. Don't worry, as soon as I post this I'm headed to the carwash to thoroughly clean out the inside!

Why do my seats look purple??? Hmm.. maybe the lighting?? Ugh- I just realized they have been putting their feet on the back of the seat too.. grrr!!!!

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