Monday, December 20, 2010

2 weeks old!!

HOLY COW!! Time is really flying! In this time I have learned and discovered...
1. I hate Huggies diapers. Oliver's legs are much too skinny for their newborn diapers and so everything leaks no matter what. I'm officially a Pampers Momma now. I love the swaddlers- they are perfect for my skinny little man!
2. Oliver is the gassiest baby I have ever met-- and I have taken care of well over 50 newborns and infants in the last 3 years in the nursery at the church that I work at. Luckily, he is still very happy 95% of the time when he's gassy.
3. Going by what the books recommend is not recommended. You have to do what works for your baby, not what the books say. As long as he is happy and healthy I'm perfectly content. i.e.) breastfeeding v. bottle feeding, giving him a pacifier too early, letting him sleep in his baby seat for the first week instead of his crib, etc.
4. I'm not sure how other mothers do it.. I'm blessed to have a baby that is so calm (knock on wood!!) and sleeps so well. I'm having to wake him up through the night to feed him (to be fed every 3 hours due to his initial weight loss) and as long as he has a full belly, clean diaper and he's warm he will just sit there in his baby seat and let me take a shower, dry & straighten my hair, and do my makeup!!! He's such a good baby. I couldn't imagine how I would get anything done with a normal baby...

So here are a few pictures for those that haven't seen them on Facebook already..
Oliver in his baby seat
Oliver and Oscar's first meeting-- brotherly love!!

Oliver at the doctor for his check up-- all healthy!

Sweet cuddly baby at the doctor again to get weighed

Jeff's friend, Jason, bought Oliver another Cowboys shirt since his is too big still. They didn't win but oh well..
He has super chunky cheeks but he's super long and skinny. These newborn size "skinny" jeans are too big on him. hahaha

I'm so glad Jeff was able to come home on leave to meet Oliver and spend Christmas at home. How sweet is this??

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