Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oliver's 26 week ultrasound

Well, today was the last day of summer for the kids that I'm a nanny for. They are excited to start back to school and so am I!! I was starting to get too big and tired to be working the full 11 hour days with the kids. This will be much better now that I will only be working 4 hour days until Oliver arrives. After tennis practice Brooke (the youngest child, 8 yrs old) came with me to Oliver's ultrasound. She was SO excited. Although it turned out to be more boring than she anticipated, she was happy that we got ice cream afterward.

So the details of the ultrasound that everyone wants to know.. Oliver is still a boy. The ultrasound tech and the doctor both agree that he definitely is a boy. The reason I'm not showing majorly yet appears to be that Oliver likes to curl up in a super teeny tiny tight ball and snuggle up by my right hip. He is still measuring 26 weeks and due on November 21st. They measured his head, chest, legs and arms but because he was in such a tight little ball they weren't able to measure from head to toe. All of the other measurements were right on with 25.5-26 weeks though so they are assuming he is approximately 14" long right now which is on track to be 19" at birth- assuming he is born at 40 weeks. To sum it all up as of now he's looking like the standard baby. So here is yet another profile pic.. not a lot has changed since the last ultrasound 3 weeks ago.

He was very stubborn during the ultrasound- he was asleep and would not cooperate! I even tried to drink a huge glass of orange juice before as some had suggested it would wake him up and get him moving. Apparently he needed some espresso or something and for me to stand on my head for an hour to get him moving!! So Brooke and I get back to the house after the ultrasound and I sit down on the couch and watch the kids while they're swimming in the pool and he starts going crazy and kicking my insides like there is NO tomorrow-- GO FIGURE!! Silly boy! Apparently he needed his nap!

Next weekend (the 28th) we are going back to Tulsa to have the 3d ultrasound and to hopefully see his cute little chubby cheeks! I'm hoping he learns to spread out a little more so that we can see his face a little better. If not at least we can say we tried!! Jeff is SO excited to hopefully see the 3d ultrasound and let me tell you- it is precious that he is so excited! :)

Oh and one last thing!! The last couple of days have been absolutely fabulous in the mornings. It seems like fall is already on it's way and that means so is Oliver! I'm just SO ready for the heat to go away!!! Pregnant people don't like heat!!

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